
Private 24-hour care

Proximity and security in your own home

When health challenges arise and the need for continuous care and attention becomes essential, private 24-hour care can be an ideal solution.

This type of care offers in-depth and personal support, where a dedicated private nurse is present around the clock. By making use of private 24-hour care, a feeling of security and safety is created for both the patient and the relatives.

Reasons for the need for private 24-hour care

The reasons for choosing 24-hour care can be many. For older people who want to remain in their own home, it can be a valuable support that enables them to maintain their quality of life.

It can also be a necessity for patients who suffer from dementia and need a stable and calm everyday life. In addition, private 24-hour care is essential for patients undergoing complex and long-term illness.

The decision to choose private 24-hour care can arise for a variety of reasons, reflecting the patient’s individual need for comprehensive support and care. The duration of private 24-hour care is individual from patient to patient.

A course can extend over both shorter and longer periods depending on the individual situation. Some of the reasons for the need for private 24-hour care can be:

1. Old age and the need for home care: Elderly citizens who want to stay in their own home may face daily challenges and poor health that make it difficult to cope.

Private 24-hour care allows seniors to remain in familiar surroundings while still receiving the necessary support and care from a professional nursing team.

2. Dementia and the need for a stable everyday life: Dementia is a progressive disease that can cause confusion, memory loss and impaired functioning. Dementia patients often need a stable and calm form of care that contributes to a safe everyday life.

At the same time, they may need help to feel safe and well cared for. By choosing private 24-hour care, the patient obtains continuous support and supervision 24 hours a day.

3. Prolonged and complex disease courses: Some diseases require intensive care and monitoring over a longer period of time. This can include challenging illnesses such as cancer, heart disease or neurological disorders.

With diseases like these, the patient may need constant support for medication, wound care, and other complex health needs. Private 24-hour care ensures that the patient receives the necessary care and attention throughout the course of the illness.

4. Rehabilitation and rehabilitation: After a serious illness or injury, the patient may need rehabilitation and rehabilitation to regain lost skills and strength.

With private 24-hour care, the patient has the opportunity to get the right help from an experienced nurse, as well as a comprehensive rehabilitation plan that includes physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other forms of specialized care.

5. The need for advanced symptom relief: Some patients suffer from severe symptoms or pain that require careful symptom relief and pain management.

Advanced medical treatment and care, including pain relief and palliative care, can become possible by choosing private 24-hour care. Private 24-hour care can also help to improve the patient’s quality of life and comfort.

Regardless of the need that underlies the choice of private 24-hour care, it is important that an individual assessment of the patient’s needs and wishes is made. This is essential in order to prepare an individual care plan that improves the patient’s quality of life.

Tasks and content in private 24-hour care

Private 24-hour care includes a wide range of tasks that aim to facilitate daily duties and ensure the patient’s health and well-being.

In addition to basic nursing care, private 24-hour care also includes personal care and practical help with everyday tasks that can otherwise seem overwhelming for the patient.

Some of the usual tasks and content in private 24-hour care are summarized below:

1. Nursing care:
Medication management: To ensure that the patient receives the right dose of medication at the right time in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

Wound Care: Treatment and care of wounds to prevent infection and promote healing.

Monitoring of the patient’s vital signs: Measurement of pulse, blood pressure and temperature to ensure that the patient’s state of health is stable.

Supervision and observation: Continuous observation of the patient’s condition and reactions to identify any changes or need for emergency intervention.

2. Personal Care:
Bathing and hygiene: Help with bathing, dressing and personal hygiene to maintain the patient’s quality of life, comfort, and well-being.

Toilet visits: Assistance with toilet visits and personal care in connection with this.

Nutrition and Hydration: Ensuring that the patient receives adequate nutrition and fluid intake in accordance with their diet or medical needs.

3. Practical help:
Home help: Assistance with common household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry to maintain a safe and hygienic home environment.

Help with shopping: Shopping for groceries, medicine, and other necessities in accordance with the patient’s needs and wishes.

Mobility assistance: Assistance with moving around the home, help getting in and out of bed or support when walking.

4. Psychosocial Support:
Conversations and socializing: Creating a sense of emotional support and connection through conversations, activities, and socializing.

Mental Health: Offering support and encouragement to the patient in dealing with emotional challenges.

Activities and stimulation: Planning and carrying out stimulating and meaningful activities to maintain the patient’s mental and emotional well-being.

A lightened burden for relatives

For relatives, the decision to choose 24-hour care can be a relief. By entrusting care responsibilities to professional and compassionate professionals, they can free up time to focus on presence and quality time.

At the same time, it can create peace of mind for relatives when they know that their loved ones are in good hands.

A central part of private 24-hour care is also the preparation of an individual care plan. The care plan is drawn up in close collaboration with the patient, relatives, and other relevant professionals. The individual care plan also contributes to fulfilling the wishes and preferences of the patient and relatives.

Preparation of an individual care plan

Here are some of the key steps in creating an individual care plan:

1. Initial evaluation and needs assessment:
Relevant health personnel carry out a thorough evaluation of the patient’s state of health, functional ability, and needs. This may include a review of medical history, physical examinations and interviews with the patient and their relatives.

A needs assessment is carried out to identify the specific areas where the patient needs support and care. This can include physical, mental, social, and emotional needs.

2. Goal setting:
Based on the evaluation and needs assessment, the healthcare staff, together with the patient and relatives, determine goals for the individual care plan.

4. Time planning:
A timetable is set for when and how often the care must be repeated. This can vary depending on the patient’s needs and the complexity of the care.

5. Evaluation and adjustment:
The care plan is reviewed and evaluated continuously to ensure that it continues to meet the patient’s needs and wishes. Any changes or adjustments are made in consultation with the patient and their relatives.

An individual care plan is dynamic and can change over time in line with the patient’s changing needs, wishes and preferences.